smile4me. Pictures, Images and Photos

Just so you know Im tired of catching my breath everytime you smile.

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Enjoy watch-ing !

p/s: no offence Americans. It is just sooo funny. O-hell
Ned , swing hips :)

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h  o  m  e

Peace come dropping slow here in Seremban. Initially , moving to Seremban is like selling my soul to devil to me. I've been living in Selangor for about 15 years slash ever since I was born. Yeah it is sad to move into a new place but life's a climb but the view is good. Hannah Montana , of course. Finally , I get it. I can get comfy here if i want to but at the first I deny my trust that I can fit in with an outskirt town called Seremban. And I understand that whatever I left in Kajang is not a memory , it is a l e g e n d a r y. Kajang will always be here , in my heart and Kajang is my hometown. But Seremban is my home. This is home.

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