I come across to look for a sneakers to pair with my jeans. So Seventeen helped me out. My ibu drove vroooom vrooooom to Converse nearby. Heres the story begins.
*Kakak salesgirl Converse lantaklah name die ape pun.
*miss this pair , size 6 (ting ting ting eyes)
*Hmmm (not even a smile eh)
*(the akak salesgirl lantaklah name die ape pun came with a pair in her hands)
*Kakak , tak fit in. Size 7 lah eh? (tadi ting ting ting kan , ni begging eyes)
*Hmmm ada apa-apa lagi? (muka panas)
*Takde. Eeee arent you being paid for doing that? Buat jelah. (Yg 2nd and 3rd line tu tipu. Tak ckp pun)
*Nah ! (dont come again , i hate you customer face)
Counter scene.
*RM ******
*Give me the receipt ye miss?
*(bisik-bisik with her bitch friend) Hmm yelah.
*( I go with those three words potrayed by my face leaving them brainless. Its not I love you , its GO TO HELL.) Tho it is just a psychic conversation , but I know that kakak really hate her job = =' You know in business , customer is always right. Nama pun kerja kan , memanglah a bit hard. Learn to respect people. Then after that people in certain occasions will owe yourself a respect kakaaaaaaaaaaaaak :D
Nobody likes it , Sure did :)