Are we human?

Some people say dont be too jugdemental of yourself but what happened now waaaaaay too much.  As U know , abortion is like infinity now. The 'best' part is no one , technically , have guts to make it steril like forever. I mean , WHAT THE HELL IS THT PEOPLE? I dont have voice and enough reputation to make it happen.  Where is the humanity for crying out loud?  In my thoughts , humanity in world is just a piece of rust in a gallon of mercury. Barely impossible to exist in human's mind. Im pretty sureeeee someone in the world wants to make the world safe for children but they are just afraid to tell it and people with irrational mind just ignored as they thought there are a lot more important things to do rather than think about tht so called 'useless junk'. Come one people , fight abortion , abandond babies. We can make a difference. :)

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